Innovation Intelligence FVG contains data on all capital companies present in Friuli Venezia Giulia with a registered office or with one or more local units and is updated annually.

It consists of 14 report pages, each of which displays, for active companies, a different set of data associated with the subject of analysis: locations, reference sector, ATECO, structure, economic and financial performance and their trends, budget indicators, ratings, network contracts, innovation and internationalisation, certifications, regional and European funding for research/development/innovation and patents.

Each report page presents:

  • Interactive charts
  • A box indicating the number of companies identified on the basis of the research carried out
  • The list of companies and their data
  • A geo-referencing map

A set of filters, which can be activated in both “basic” and “advanced” modes, allows dynamic selections to be made that affect all report pages.