Friuli Venezia Giulia promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development as Digital Innovation Hub

Trieste, 22 December 2020 – Promoted in Italy. Ready for the European challenge. New recognition for Friuli Venezia Giulia in the innovation sector. Industry Platform4 Fvg (IP4FVG), the regional digital innovation hub, is one of the 45 digital innovation hubs nominated by the Ministry of Economic Development to become a European Digital Innovation Hub.

The first selection phase took place at the national level in the individual member states. In Italy, a special commission of the Ministry of Economic Development assessed about sixty projects, choosing the most suitable ones to participate in the European phase.  

In the first half of 2021, the European Commission will decide who will form the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) network, a network that will act as a catalyst for the dissemination and adoption of advanced digital technologies (from High Performance Computing (HPC) to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity) and will work to boost the competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, and public organisations. For Italy, the hubs chosen should number between 14 and 28.

IP4FVG has already been cited in two different European documents as a model of a virtuous ecosystem, in particular for having implemented good practices in reaching and successfully supporting small and medium-sized businesses in digital transformation processes.

“In order to grow, an ecosystem needs to compare notes and interact in a structured manner within an international network with a European dimension,” said Stefano Casaleggi, chairman of the IP4FVG steering committee, who added: “This is the spirit of the candidature for the European Digital Innovation Hub system, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development: to share what has already been achieved so far and, at the same time, enrich the offer for the companies in our community, in order to promote their development and competitiveness.”

The regional councillor for employment, training, education, research, university and family, Alessia Rosolen, emphasises “the strategic and essential involvement of the universities and Sissa, as outstanding features of the scientific sector and, in general, of our territory. In thanking Area Science Park for its role as coordinator, I would like to emphasise that this is a project that is part of the Argo project, the industrial system based on the innovation of processes and products to increase the competitiveness of the area, whose mission is to help broaden the scope of application of innovation to the maximum degree, both in the technological and socio-economic fields.”


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